Tuesday, August 15, 2017


I was reading a list of quotes I have read on the internet:

You aren’t reaching high enough if the future is known, the path is clear, and outcomes are certain.

A dream is worth a risk.

Do not fear failure, heartbreak or even death. Fear the unlived life.

There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.

A person either buys his dream by surrendering his excuses or he buys his excuses by surrendering his dream

Being a learner means using the worst moments in life to plan your future best moments.

Namaste from The Roof of the World

1 comment:

  1. I like these quotes. It gets me thinking. The last two outings I have gone on to hike the high mountains have been after months of high snow fall and the trails have been washed out. But also, with my advancing age, I noticed it was harder for me to pack up the side of a mountain with a 50 lb pack. I am starting to fear my high mountain backpack days are over for more obtainable day hikes. I may have to get me a small list of these inspirational quotes if I want to hit a mega hike next year because I know my desire and ability is tested when I get on the side of a mountain.
