Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Friday Night Jam Session

The Hotel is owned by a husband and wife. The husband, JJ, is Nepali and the wife, Seriana, is Dutch. The hotel used to have a restaurant on the ground floor run by a third party (like the groomer at the pet store.) They just left. So, JJ and the staff now cook up whatever you order, which is nice.

Anyway, JJ has a band and a lot of musician friends. So, he has been installing speakers in the restaurant. Friday, he had his first jam session.

As you can see, like my room, the restaurant is small. You see here 90% of one of the 2 rooms. JJ is the one with no shirt. He and others played about 3/4 English songs and the rest Nepali songs. On the left you can just see the base guitar player and on the right you can see someone playing on their drum.

Just to my left is Johann, a German premed student here volunteering in a hospital. Ironocally, he plays Eurogames, like Catan, at home. While everyone else was drinking gin and coke (and I was drinking my lemon Fanta), he was enjoying beer after beer. He was on his 3rd 24 ounce beer when I left. He was happy.

As I turn rightward, the woman on the right is Seriana, the wife owner. She also does web site designing. The woman on the right is another German. But, she is staying somewhere else.

As I turn more rightward, you see the door of this room and then the other room of the restaurant. It is about 3/4 as long and half as wide. Overall, I would estimate that the restaurant is 100 square feet big, including the kitchen.

The long hair dude on the right is my druggy Turkish friend who is always up for Marijuana or hashish. He travels the world avoiding going home to Turkey. He will occasionally make a bunch of necklaces and sell them on the street. The owner makes him go outside to do drugs to protect his hotel.

I left about 9:30 and things got rowdy about 10:30, so the owner sent everyone out, ended the jam session, and closed the restaurant for the night.

Namaste from The Roof of the World

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