Friday, March 3, 2017

(Days 8 - 10, March 1 - 3)

Wed - Nothing much. I ran errands and explored some more. For the second day in a row, I walked to the BTS station. It gets shorter each time. The nice thing is that I made another order and they arrived this time - Lots of cheap bottled water and fruits and vegetables.

Thur - Stayed at home and studied.

Fri.- The wheels almost came off the wagon today. My plan was to walk to the BTS station and look at a couple of apartments and a coworking place. Today was the first hot day. It had been 90. Today was 100 degrees. I started walking at 1 pm all gung ho and feeling great and spunky. But, it felt like an oven out there. I noticed some of the people walking had parasols/umbrellas. I started walking in the shade when possible. I got real thirsty and stopped at a 7-11 and got a bottle of water. About halfway to the BTS station I got dizzy. I think I was getting heat stroke or something. But, God was watching out for me. I started rubbing the bottle of water on my forehead until I wasn't dizzy. Being halfway, I pressed on, occasionally rubbing the cool bottle onto my forehead. I wasn't dizzy anymore, but I felt a little off. I made it to Tescos, which has a food court. I ordered french fries and tea at one place and ate all the ice. Then I went to the next booth and bought a fish sandwich and tea at McDonald's and ate all the ice. After an hour at both places and sitting inside where it was cooler, I felt normal again. It was only 3 pm and still blazing hot, so I grabbed a taxi and went back to my hotel.

They said summer began in March and they weren't kidding! It was brutal. I noticed the people in their little booths were setting up fans and many locals were drinking while they walked. So, when it is this hot, I will have to develop a new regimen.

1. Leave by 8 am when it is still 80 - 85 degrees and find a shelter (mall, coffee shop, coworking place, etc.) out of the sun by 11 am.
2. Bring a bottle with me from home, about 12 ounces, that is 2/3 frozen ice and the rest water. Apply ice to forehead frequently.
3. Walk in the shade whenever possible. Actually, it is still nice in the shade. It is a couple degrees warmer than before. But, the onshore breeze (about 13 mph) keeps it nice.

Namaste from (halfway to) Nepal

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