Friday, May 5, 2017

Going Postal

I have been looking around for postcards and some cards. Postcards cost 15 baht and cards w/envelopes cost 30 baht (15 baht = $0.44). I mailed some today. Postcards cost 15 baht to mail and the letter cost 28 baht.

(Left side)

There is a post office for the district between the BTS station and my Co-Working place. It is a modern government office. Like most government offices, they use the "take-a-number" system. But, I only had to wait about 7 minutes for 10 customers ahead of me. Meanwhile, I got to sit in a chair and enjoy the air conditioning. They have all kind of supplies if you need them. They also have a post office box area. If I were going to move here, I would probably get one.

(Right side)

There is the number dispenser and a picture of the King. Thais are among the nicest people on the planet. But, all visitors should be respectful of the King. I saw no English signs in there at all. So, I just handed the teller my stuff and she took care of it all. Your postcards may not have stamps, just something stamped on there with a rubber stamp.

Namaste From (halfway to) Nepal


  1. In all 32 countries I have visited, the people in every single country seemed to be very friendly to foreigners. It was very nice to experience. Even when I learned a little bit of the local language, I would often speak in English to get this better treatment. It is amazing how many people in this world know how to speak a little bit of English.
