Friday, June 23, 2017

I Left My Heart (and good tacos) . . . In San Francisco

I read a review about a good Mexican place here in Bangkok. I looked it up and it is actually a chain of small eateries called Sunrise Tacos. And, there is one in Terminal 21. So, I went and tried it out. It wasn't very good. The tacos didn't taste quite right - not bad, just not right. I went another time and tried the Nachos. They were better, but still not that good. I probably won't go back. They are expensive. They use the VAT in Thailand. At most places you just pay the prices listed as the VAT is already factored in. At Sunrise Tacos you pay the added 7% VAT plus a 10% surcharge. I think it is mainly for tourists.

Anyway, while I was eating there, I noticed the Golden Gate bridge. Each floor of Terminal 21 is labeled with a city name. I just noticed they have appropriate decorations. The 4th floor where Sunrise Tacos is is the San Francisco level.

They also have a restaurant with a (fake) cable car you can eat in (the 4th floor is all restaurants.) For some reason they also have a giant Oscar. I don't know why. The Academy Awards are in Los Angeles - just one of the quirks of Thailand.

Namaste from (halfway to) Nepal


  1. Too bad. Hey how about you help out other travelers by leaving reviews of everywhere you go on TripAdvisor? Another way to contribute to society :). And one day it might be worth a good conversation once you are in Nepal. Everyone rated Sunrise Tacos high so you should share a different opinion. You could rate other places too, like the gaming store that is rated pretty high -- I think you would also give it a high rating.

  2. Yes, I plan to answer as many questions as possible on tripadvisor . . . once I get to Nepal. I sign in with my Google account, so I am Michael S on tripadvisor. Exploring the answers and doing reviews will help me learn about the culture.

    I am already learning Nepali. I know most of the alphabet and a few words, starting with colors. I am hoping that in a year or 18 months that I can get a volunteer position somewhere. The US Embassy would be really nice as I hope I could get an FPO address.

  3. No place will have food that taste exactly like USA. When we were in New Zealand, noting tasted the same, even chains like McDonalds. USA adds so many preservatives and additives that they can not or will not add in other countries. We are used to the taste here, but in many other countries the natural taste of food is odd to our palate. The kids did not like almost everything "local" that we ate.
    Also, isn't it amazing how Mexican food is EVERYWHERE in the world? I didn't know that Mexico exported it's culture that much....
