Sunday, April 16, 2017


This weekend was Songkran - the Thai New Year. Factories and banks had a 4 day holiday from Thursday to Sunday. I took a taxi to a friend's house for gaming at 7 pm on Saturday. Wow! It was wild. Both sides of the street were packed with revelers. Think of a miles long wet T-shirt contest. They were constantly throwing buckets of water on all the passing cars and motorcyclists. In addition, they had made a paste of talcum powder/clay and water and would dart into traffic and smear cars and motorcycle riders.

I have been here 6 weeks and seen only one accident, despite all the crazy driving here. In the 2 mile stretch we drove, I saw 3 accidents.

Went to Terminal 21 and saw The Boss Baby. It was O.K. With so much closed for those 4 days, I didn't get much done. I stayed home 2 days and watched TV. With less traffic, I got to practice hailing cabs so I will save some money in the future.

Namaste From (halfway to) Nepal


  1. Is Directv Now working? Or is that something you don't use?

  2. So, do you watch TV in English, or is it subtitled?
