Tuesday, April 4, 2017

National Thai Elephant day, March 13

March 13 was National Elephant day in Thailand. It is the day elephants and their mahouts (handlers) are blessed for a safe coming year.

Those crazy New Zealanders celebrate the holiday by playing an elephant polo tournament.

After the elephants and their mahouts are blessed for a safe year,

the elephants get to enjoy a feast.

Our next holiday is in about 10 days. Songkran is the Thai New Year and ushers in summer. It is celebrated by a 3 day water fight. Anyone can throw tap or bottled water on anyone. Traffic deaths triple. Everyone keeps all their documents and electronics wrapped in plastic.

Grab your super soakers.

Namaste From (halfway to) Nepal

1 comment:

  1. Oh Olivia will go crazy seeing these elephants. I can see her even asking the USA to have a National Elephant day !!!
