Monday, July 17, 2017


Only 2 weeks to go.

Was walking around the area and found another food court;

For some reason, Gollum is watching over it:

(middle of picture at the top.)

There is an interesting shish-kabob place. But, it is not open, yet, at 4 pm.

It is 4 pm and most of the places haven't opened, yet. Bangkok is a late night town due to the heat and this is known as a night market.

Anyway, found a Mexican place. But, the pork burrito was bland, although the guacamole and chips were good.

I am walking more as I get ready for the big move. That is why I found the new market. I got lazy after I tripped. I did figure out why I tripped. I was wearing my tennis shoes. Usually, I wear my regular Walmart shoes which are extra wide. However, my tennis shoes are regular wide, so I have to get bigger sizes. This makes the toe of the shoe stick out about an inch more and this is what catches on the steps. I wore them last weekend and tripped twice more. Fortunately, there was a banister, so I caught myself.

My left arm is still injured. But, I can sleep on it, carry stuff, and put my back pack on. I still can't put my left hand behind my back and it hurts to reach for something with my left arm. This makes it hard if I need to pull myself up, like getting into a bus. Such is life!

I continue to learn Nepali so I will be able to communicate better as soon as I arrive. I am making my own flash cards since they have not heard of index cards here. I also found a good program called "cram." It is an app where you can make your own index cards on your phone/tablet/computer and sync them. You can also use any of the millions of public cards that other people have made.

I made what I figure will be my last Debit Card withdrawal today. If you are going overseas on a trip, I heartily recommend getting a debit card from the institution we all had to get an account for this year. My bank has a limit of 12,000 baht per withdrawal. However, with this card I am able to withdraw the machine maximum of 30,000 baht. Since there is a 220 baht charge per withdrawal, fewer are better.

Namaste From (halfway to) Nepal


  1. Mike, while you are memorizing, you can get a small step (start out very small and work your way up) to move up and down the step 20 times in a row. Then 50, then 100, ....

    1. Yup, I have been walking stairs, also. There will be no elevators in Nepal. And, an apartment could be as high as the 5th floor. I have noticed that higher apartments are cheaper. And, there are a lot fewer available. So, I may have to choose a higher apartment.

      There are tall stairs and short stairs. Most houses have tall stairs since twice the height means half the distance. I like to work out on short stairs. It is more of a walking motion and less of a lifting motion. Here, I have found two - the BTS system and the Co-working place, which is where I have been practicing.
