Friday, October 13, 2017

Moooo-ve It!

Saw my first cows, today. It is illegal to kill a cow in Nepal. Some people have them for their milk. Patan is in the Kathmandu Valley next to Kathmandu. It is like Corona and about half the land is still farmed. In the city their are larger gated houses that have room for a cow. The problem is getting rid of them. Apparently, someone left their gate open (on purpose?).

So, this cow was walking down the street. I was going to the store. I came back this way about 30 minutes later and the cow had met a bull that was pushing it backwards.

This picture is taken about 100 feet behind the last picture. Apparently, the cow walked until it met the bull which pushed it backwards (toward the right) all the way back here. It continued pushing it another 50 feet until the cow turned around. Then they walked in circles in the traffic.

They don't have an animal control here. There are about 3 stray dogs per 100 feet of street. At night if one starts barking, then you get barking by all of them for a couple of minutes. They (a volunteer group) did round up all the dogs about a year ago and gave them shots. Then, they returned them to the exact locations where they found them.

Even though you can't get beef, you can get buffalo anywhere. I get buffalo sausages at the cold store. At restaurants you can order buffalo, chicken, or vegetable dishes, like fried rice, momo's, etc. Momo's (translated: steam steam) is a dumpling filled with something and then steamed to cook the dough. Then they are either put in a soup, covered in sauce, or fried. I have had fried buffalo momo a couple of times delivered by foodmandu. I figure the frying will kill anything plus I microwave them to be sure.

Namaste from The Roof Of The World

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